

The theme ships with enhanced WordPress Gallery Shortcode. You can use all supported column layouts (1 to 10) and change default opening method to lightbox.


[divider style=»none»]


6 columns

[toggle title=»Get The Code» state=»off» style=»simple» icon=»file-alt»]

[get_the_code label=»false»]



[divider style=»none»]


3 columns

[toggle title=»Get The Code» state=»off» style=»simple» icon=»file-alt»]

[get_the_code label=»false»]



[divider style=»none»]


Open in lightbox

[toggle title=»Get The Code» state=»off» style=»simple» icon=»file-alt»]

[get_the_code label=»false»]



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